ماء الورد
مضاد للالتهابات، يساعد على تنظيف الجروح والإكزيما، منكه للطعام ومغذي، مهدئ للأعصاب، يعالج مشاكل اللثة، ينظف داخل العين، يرطب الوجه ويعطيه نضارة، ويزيل حب الشباب
سعة العبوة 500مل
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Shipping Policy
Shipping is within 3 business days.
We will ship your order after you confirm the Lebanese exchange rate through email.
Refund Policy
We only refund the product cost, shipping fees are on the customer's expense.
Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy
You can cancel your order before it is shipped to you, if the order is shipped you will have to pay the shipping fees.
We accept returns in original condition, we do not accept opened or used products. We only return the product cost, shipping fees are on the customer's expense.
General Inquiries
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